If you haven't already been recapped on the events of the weekend, Heidi was nice enough to be our correspondent on the left coast and she gave us her SDCC show notes:
Chuck panel notes:
- Chuckmeout.com website was launched.
- Adam Baldwin wants ANOTHER action figure. Lol. Kept mentioning Joss to get applause.
- Jeffster performed! Awesomeness.
- No real plans for season 3. Jotted down ideas from audience. Could come back sooner than we've heard.
Dollhouse panel notes:
- Alexis Denisof will be in some episodes in season 2.
- Felicia Day and the other two from Epitaph One will be back.
- Still trying to negotiate getting Summer Glau.
- Joss still likes to kill people.
- Time travel will not be used to change the events of EO, but they were memories which are subjective. Some things may not happen the way we think they will in those memories.
Jane Espenson (BSG) panel notes:
- Caprica will premiere Jan 22, 2010.
- Jane Espenson says to reach out to the Buffy fans to watch Caprica. Basically, there's an angry teenage girl and a robot. Buffy fans should find something to love.
Thanks a lot Heidi!
Brian Lynch next informed readers of a new tongue-in-cheek two-part story where Angel and Spike actually infiltrate San Diego Comic-Con because a movie has been made (in the comic) about Angel and his heroics after saving Los Angeles from Hell in the aptly titled Last Angel in Hell. The movie itself will be depicted in the 40-page Angel Annual in December 2009; the annual boasts Angel-centric meta-fictional advertisements as well.
The launch of a Spike monthly title written by Brian Lynch with artwork by Urru in will be in 2010. It deals with the aftermath of After the Fall.
Ryall called Scott Lobdell up to the panel and announced the release of a new five issue Illyria mini-series where she and Gunn go on a road trip together. Ryall notes that this is also a story that depicts Gunn’s struggles with not being a vampire any longer and it also explores his first encounter with a vampire.